CCT offers private lessons, behavior modification, and K9 Scent Work in Jacksonville, Fl.
Training plans are customized to meet the needs of the individual dog and handler/family. Packages may also be used to work through specific behavioral issues, happy vet visits, incorporate husbandry/grooming skills, or fine tune a specific behavior.
Jacksonville, Fl rates
Foundation Lesson, $199
4 Private Lessons, $599 *to be completed within 2 months of first lesson
8 Private Lessons, $1099 *to be completed within 3 months of first lesson
4 Private Scent Work Lessons, $299 *to be completed within 3 months of first lesson
The foundation lesson will be conducted in your home, follow up lessons may be held at a park, pet-friendly store, etc when the dog/handler team has shown they are capable and ready. This is a premium service, we come to your home to train you and your dog. We take on a limited number of students each month and spaces are first come first serve.
Please click FAQ link below to lear about working with CCT.